Protect Your Firm with Expert Cybersecurity Incident Response
Cyber Crime is on the Rise and Canadian firms are increasingly targeted. Developing an incident response plan is an essential part of your firm’s cybersecurity.
Cybersecurity is an ongoing topic of conversation in the business and architectural world, and for good reason. A survey from the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) indicated that 70 percent of data breaches occur against companies with fewer than 100 employees. At the same time, 66 percent of medium to large businesses experienced a data breach in 2018.
While establishing anti-virus software, firewalls, and establishing the best practices are the first steps to securing your business against a cyberattack, building an effective incident response plan is essential to your cybersecurity. Despite every business’s best efforts, cybercrime is still on the rise, and according to the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security, it is the biggest threat faced by Canadian businesses today. Following these steps to incident response will not only safeguard your business but will also help you recover quickly and efficiently if calamity strikes.
Conduct a Risk Assessment
If you haven’t already built a network of security measures, now is the time to conduct a complete assessment of your company’s devices, networks, software, and security. Work with your IT team, or a team of professional managed service providers to make sure you have every structure in place to safeguard your data, devices, and network. Managed consultants who are familiar with the world of architecture, in particular, will expertly identify where your firm is most secure and where the greatest risks and gaps exist.
Identify the Types of Security Incidents Your Firm Could Face
Another step in developing an incident response plan is identifying the type of incidents your business is likely to face. In 2018, the Canadian Underwriter reported that Canada had the ‘third most cyber incidents in the world’, after the United Kingdom and the United States. Looking at the types of incidents Canadian firms have already faced, as well as firms around the globe, will help inform your firm and the different incidents you could possibly face. Ransomware, malware, phishing schemes, gaps in patching, and un-secure back-ups are all significant issues faced by Canadian businesses.
Develop a Flow of Communication
The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), along with local and regional regulations, help guide businesses inputting data security practices in place. Depending on the type of data you store, you may be required to hire a security professional who is responsible for data security breaches and communication. Beyond that, however, it is important to establish who in the organization—or which service provider—is responsible for not only identifying an incident, but to whom they communicate, and who is responsible for responding to each unique incident. Without this flow of communication, your firm could suffer from extended downtime, lost business, and even damage to reputation if incidents aren’t dealt with in a timely and effective manner.
Train Your Team
Training your team for incident response goes beyond training your IT department. Your entire staff should be well versed in the types of incidents your firm could face, as well as who is responsible for handling each element of a response plan. Part of your training should also include tips on how to identify cybercrime, particularly phishing schemes. Social engineering is one of the biggest threats to Canadian firms, and when staff falls prey to phishing emails, they put both your company data and networks at risk. Effective training will help reduce the risk of an incident and improve response time when an incident does occur.
Test and Rework Your Plan
Once your incident response plan is in place, test it to identify where it needs improvement. By running regular tests, your team gains insight into where your greatest security risks exist and how to better identify and fix those problems. The more efficient and consistent your planning and testing process, the better response you’ll have in the face of a cyber incident.
Work with IT Professionals to Protect Your Firm
The best and most effective incident response plan is the one that includes a team of IT and security professionals working alongside your team. Whether you will benefit from full managed services or a team that works in tandem with your IT department, Compunet Infotech can help. We work with Architectural firms across Vancouver to provide state-of-the-art cybersecurity and expert incident response.