• Tips for Deciding If Outsourcing IT is Right for Your Company

    Tips for Deciding If Outsourcing IT is Right for Your Company

    The benefits a company accrues from outsourcing IT are many and include: Lower hardware costs Lower software costs Lower labor costs Allows companies to focus on core business areas Reduces risks Provides 24/7/365 coverage That said, there are pitfalls businesses need to be aware of before starting to outsource IT. This includes: Project Management – […]
  • Is It Protected?: Your Company’s Information  

    Is It Protected?: Your Company’s Information  

    Things to consider in regards to your company’s security. Regardless of the size of the business, security procedures are a priority in an effort for business to operate smoothly. Thankfully, we’re going to cover things that should be considered in regards to businesses matters and the security measures it has established (or needs to establish). […]
  • Why Hiring a Managed IT Service Provider Makes Sense

    Why Hiring a Managed IT Service Provider Makes Sense

    One of the biggest reasons to hire an IT services provider, especially for small- and medium-sized businesses, is that you get the best of everything in IT without having to pay full price for it. What that really means is that you can focus on growing your company without sacrificing budget and labor to keep […]
  • Beware of the Saw

    Beware of the Saw

    Sometimes, for good or ill, life can imitate art. Take, for example, the gory “Saw” movie franchise starring “Jigsaw.” It is, of course, a stretch to consider these horror films “art.” But the developers of the new Jigsaw Ransomware apparently adopted the character’s name and modus operandi because the malware gradually “dismembers” victims’ files until […]
  • Not-So-Obvious Implications of Disaster Recovery

    Not-So-Obvious Implications of Disaster Recovery

    There’s more to business continuity planning and execution than cashing the insurance check after a fire or flood. Most business insurance won’t cover the intangibles. In the case of a serious data loss or breach, money will not restore years of irreplaceable company data. How disasters affect the business If you don’t want to be […]
  • Microsoft’s New Business-Centric Future: The LinkedIn Purchase

    Microsoft’s New Business-Centric Future: The LinkedIn Purchase

    The $26 billion dollar purchase of LinkedIn by Microsoft should be viewed as more of an indication of Microsoft’s new direction than as any change to the LinkedIn system. Hopefully, this is the case, because while Microsoft has been, at best, a volatile performer since its heyday of the 1990s, LinkedIn has steadily increased its […]
  • Notice Anything Different About Google?

    Notice Anything Different About Google?

    Latest Changes Leave Industry Scrambling For Position in the Search Engine Rankings If you are a business owner who uses technology as part of your digital marketing strategy—and in this day and age, what business doesn’t—you’ve probably noticed that Google has made some pretty substantial changes to its algorithm and search quality parameters over the […]
  • Why Select a Managed Services Provider?

    Why Select a Managed Services Provider?

    The pace of technology advancements makes it tough for savvy business owners to remain abreast of all the shifts and changes within the industry. Even with an internal IT team, it’s likely that you and your team find it challenging to keep your systems updated, mitigate threats, and continuously monitor your system. Like you, many […]
  • Latest Ransomware Demand Successful: University of Calgary Pays $20K to Decrypt Sensitive Files

    Latest Ransomware Demand Successful: University of Calgary Pays $20K to Decrypt Sensitive Files

    When a business is targeted for a ransomware attack, paying the ransom can often seem like the most reasonable response to getting data decrypted and begin the process of restoration. The problem is, it isn’t always that simple. After all—cyber criminals are a criminal element, and just because they say they will follow through with […]
  • Soft Skills for Hard Problems: Essential IT Skills for Law Firms

    Soft Skills for Hard Problems: Essential IT Skills for Law Firms

    Important skills for IT professionals when working with law firms. For law firms, it’s incredibly important their IT staff can keep up and deliver given the details that a lawyer’s occupation requires. With this being said, here’s a look at what skills IT professionals need when working with a law firm. Meeting & Deal-Making Skills […]
  • Protecting Your Assets: Can Your Managed IT Handle It?

    Protecting Your Assets: Can Your Managed IT Handle It?

    Is your managed IT protecting your business assets? Protecting business assets is incredibly important when it comes to managed IT. Thankfully, we’re going to cover some of the more important issues regarding asset protection for managed business IT. With this being said, here’s a look at IT technology geared towards protecting business assets. Cybercrime: The […]
  • Does Your IT Company Protect Your Company’s Information?

    Does Your IT Company Protect Your Company’s Information?

    How safe is online data storage? Should you entrust your personal, financial and proprietary data to a cloud IT service? The answer to the first question is, yes, because cloud storage, among other things, employs data encryption. (More on this later.) The answer to the second question may be moot. Your organization may be subject […]