• Marty McFly Arrives from the Past: Predictions Become Reality

    Marty McFly Arrives from the Past: Predictions Become Reality

    Today is the day Marty McFly arrives from the past, so we’re wondering, how accurate was the film at predicting what life and technology would look like in 30 years? Film fans know the date well, October 21, 2015. The movie depicted a world full of fascinating technology, including hover boards, self lacing shoes, flying […]
  • What Does The New Line of Windows 10 Devices Have In Store For Users?

    What Does The New Line of Windows 10 Devices Have In Store For Users?

    After nearly a year of buzz and hype, this summer Microsoft unveiled their Windows 10 operating system (OS) with a bevy of new features to help home users and businesses alike do more with their technology. Now a few months later, Microsoft revealed their new line of hardware that will features the OS, with their […]
  • 4 Ways Managed IT Services Save You Money

    4 Ways Managed IT Services Save You Money

    Nobody wants to spend their hard earned money to take care of their computers, but the fact is that by leaving yourself to struggle with technology issues constantly, you are making it easy for hackers to access your information and harder for staff members to stay productive throughout the workday. Taking advantage of managed IT […]
  • Has Your Android Device Been Hacked?

    Has Your Android Device Been Hacked?

    Researchers found major security flaws in all versions of Android operating systems. These holes in security allow attackers to easily hack your phone and access all of its information. The flaw is found in the way Android processes media data, which means you could be opening a lot more than music or videos from the […]
  • Say “Hello” to the New World of Banking Security.

    Say “Hello” to the New World of Banking Security.

    Banks like RBC and CIBC are releasing the new voice biometrics technology, which allows customers to be identified over the phone by their voice. Say goodbye to the days of phone passwords and security question. Soon all you will have to say is “Hello”. What type of changes will this make for you? Increased Personal […]
  • The Launch of Exchange 2016

    The Launch of Exchange 2016

    Better Security, Greater Collaboration, and Smoother Work Output… What More Could You Want? Despite Microsoft aggressively marketing its cloud services for various applications, including email, the company remains committed to offering software for customers to run in their independent data centers. With this focus in mind, Exchange Server 2016 was released last week. Exchange Server […]
  • This Thanksgiving, Count Your IT Blessings

    This Thanksgiving, Count Your IT Blessings

    Family, friends, health, and the stability of your business are all reasons to be thankful. Compunet InfoTech knows that the reason you’re able to keep your business running smoothly is strategic and expertly-maintained managed services. When you’re trying to relax and enjoy a holiday with your family, you need assurance that everything back at the office […]
  • Attention Java Junkies

    Attention Java Junkies

    Guess Who’s Making It Easy to Pre-Order Your Caffeine Fix from Your Smartphone? If You Guessed Starbucks… You Guessed Right! If the thought of having to wait in line for more than 52 seconds for your beloved caffeine concoctions causes you to fly into panic attack mode, you are about to be very happy. Starbucks […]
  • Looking For A New IT Managed Services Provider?

    Looking For A New IT Managed Services Provider?

    Improve Your Bottom Line with Trusted Managed Services When you’re looking for the most effective managed services for your business, there are a lot of things to consider. Many IT companies offer generic services with unreliable support; we know that just won’t cut it. Compunet InfoTech provides businesses in Vancouver with managed services that are geared […]
  • BEWARE: Windows 10 Brings 5 Frightening Issues You Can’t Face on Your Own!

    BEWARE: Windows 10 Brings 5 Frightening Issues You Can’t Face on Your Own!

    The new operating system Windows 10 is still full of issues and bugs that need to be fixed, despite the quick pace and hard work of Microsoft where beta testing and patching is concerned. Most of these issues are directly related to third party apps. Compiled here is a comprehensive list of some of the […]
  • Behind-the-Scenes Secrets to Fighting 5 Crippling Sources of Stress That Plague the Self-Employed

    Behind-the-Scenes Secrets to Fighting 5 Crippling Sources of Stress That Plague the Self-Employed

    Before Your Head Explodes, Unearth the Behind-the-Scenes Secrets to Fighting 5 Crippling Sources of Stress That Plague the Self-Employed There’s no doubt about it – being a business owner small or large comes with the feeling of stress. Considering the fact that these people must keep doors open, employees paid, customers happy, electricity on, their business […]
  • Are YOU a Leader Holding Your Company Back?

    Are YOU a Leader Holding Your Company Back?

    Many CEO’s are now Embracing Technology!!! Information technology (IT) is an undeniably important part of any modern business that wants to maintain a competitive edge. Chief Information Officers and Chief Technology Officers are gaining more and more authority at the Executive table, and according to Computerworld, 43% of these executives intend to increase their IT […]