Your Microsoft Surface Pro’s AC Power Cord Might be on Recall Microsoft is doing a voluntary recall for AC power cords sold with Microsoft Surface Pro, Surface Pro 2, and Surface Pro 3 prior to March 15th, 2015. This recall qualifies for AC power cords that have been bent, twisted, pinched or wrapped tightly. A […]
Although so far it’s merely speculation, there are some pretty exciting rumors attached to the release of the new iPhone 7 and 7 Plus. Ranging from an edge-to-edge display, waterproof body and wireless charging, the iPhone 7 is bound to be vastly different one way or another, regardless of the rumors. With talk of removing […]
REVEALED: The Hidden Secret Netflix Has Been Keeping from You! Netflix has quickly become the populations favorite pastime, with viewers accounting for one third of all data usage during peak hours. After so many hours of screen time, one might think they have seen almost everything there is to see on site, however, this isn’t […]
There has been much discussion as of late regarding a major update by Microsoft, for Windows 10, called Redstone. The intent of this update was to buff and polish, creating what the company would have liked to see in the initial release of the OS. There is still a great deal to learn about the […]
Do you find yourself spending a considerable part of the day staring at a computer screen? Is it a computer, smartphone, or other device? All of this time you spend in front of a computer screen can be quite detrimental to your eyes. Computer fatigue and strain are not good for your health. Here are […]
If you’re an entrepreneur, you know just how valuable time is. You also know how hard it is to manage on your own without any help. Thankfully, there are apps out there that can help you with various aspects of time-management, most being efficient and cost-effective. Managing your time doesn’t have to be stressful anymore, […]
As Apple faces a lawsuit for sluggish software, a “tapping tip” is making rounds on Twitter. What originally seemed like a strange hoax circulating turned out to be a helpful tip for those struggling with slow iPhones. As reported by BetaNews, the tip began as a way to clear stuck app updates in the App […]
When you’re your own boss, it’s difficult, especially as industries of all types are becoming more competitive and agile than ever before. So what makes an effective business owner? They might have started with a good idea or intellect or connections, but ultimately, what gets you started doesn’t keep you in business. We all know […]
A new year is upon us, and with that brings many changes. Cybersecurity is no exception, and discussed below are some predictions regarding the direction cybersecurity will take in the new year: Android Threats Will Become a Reality 2016 will see a rise in the number of Android threats being exploited. The Android platform contains […]
Cybercrime is an ever-present threat to modern businesses. Without up-to-date and varied security measures, successful hacks can compromise your sensitive data and harm your systems, resulting in costly downtime. Small businesses in the Vancouver area should be especially wary of cybercriminals, as they often target smaller operations on the assumption that there will be less […]
Why Businesses Need Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plans It can take nothing more than a single hardware failure or natural disaster to lose all of your company’s important data, and without proper backups integrated into your business continuity plan, recovering your files can be a nearly impossible task. Businesses today need to be equipped […]
TMI – The Essential Secret to Saving Your Hard Earned Money From Hazardous Cyber Attacks As we all grow up and get older, at one time or another we have all heard the expression, “Too much information.” Moreover, resulting from that expression, we usually try to forget the information that was heard at the time […]