• Have No Fear, The Cloud Is Here

    Have No Fear, The Cloud Is Here

    3 Ways Cloud Servers Benefit Your Business Small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) often have trouble balancing their IT needs with infrastructure they can actually afford. We see it time and time again… businesses trying to get 5 -7 years out of equipment that was only built to last 3 – 4, or neglecting servers that […]
  • Special Microsoft Office 365 Promotion Ends July 2015

    Special Microsoft Office 365 Promotion Ends July 2015

    Microsoft Office 365: Giving You Anytime, Anywhere Access While Saving You Money! Our Office 365 Consulting Experts Help You Move to Office 365 for Enhanced Productivity and Collaboration! You and your staff members are already very familiar with the beloved Microsoft Office suite of applications – Word, Outlook, Excel; you’re likely using these programs on […]
  • 4 Steps to Develop an Efficient Disaster Recovery Plan Strategy

    4 Steps to Develop an Efficient Disaster Recovery Plan Strategy

    In this uncertain world, it isn’t whether a disaster will happen; it really boils down to when it will happen. Disasters can occur in a variety of ways, ranging anywhere from fires, floods, tornadoes, riots, or hurricanes, just to name a few. Far too many companies are seriously vulnerable because they haven’t taken the time […]
  • Is Technology Using You? – Or, Are you Using It?

    Is Technology Using You? – Or, Are you Using It?

    There’s no question that the technology software you use saves a lot of time and helps you manage your work more effectively and efficiently. The downside is that if you’re using the wrong technology, you could end up grimacing in frustration when technology acts as a hindrance and slows you down. The question is not […]
  • 5 Benefits of Managed IT Services

    5 Benefits of Managed IT Services

    Every business needs IT support. But how can you afford support that’s actually effective? Enterprises might have the funds to staff an in-house IT department with top-tier talent, but SMBs are often limited by a more modest budget and find themselves stuck choosing between inexperienced and ineffective support or no support at all (until something […]
  • Federal Data Security Breach Much Worse Than Initial Predictions

    Federal Data Security Breach Much Worse Than Initial Predictions

    Hackers succeeded in stealing security-clearance records with sensitive data about millions of American military and intelligence personnel. To understand the weight of this security breach, consider that the process to receive federal security clearance is a rigorous and invasive one. For instance, applicants are required to disclose mental illnesses, finances, bankruptcy filings, criminal records, and all […]
  • 79% of Covered Entities Will Fail a HIPAA Audit

    79% of Covered Entities Will Fail a HIPAA Audit

    Medical service providers will need to seriously evaluate and beef up their IT security protocols if they hope to pass the HIPAA security audit. As many as 79% of covered entities may likely fail to pass this HIPAA audit if they don’t prepare beforehand, and can be subject to a variety of fines for failing […]
  • 5 Fantastic Apps to Help You Accurately Plan for Your Company’s Financial Future

    5 Fantastic Apps to Help You Accurately Plan for Your Company’s Financial Future

    While financial projections are extremely important for allocating capital resources, they are by no means an exact science. Nonetheless, there are five apps that can help you plan effectively for your company’s financial future: PlanGuru. Cost: $99 to $799 one-time license fee. Though the price tag seems exorbitant, there is a medium-priced deal available that […]
  • Is Your Technology Helping You Achieve Better Business Outcomes?

    Is Your Technology Helping You Achieve Better Business Outcomes?

    Here’s the Top Questions You NEED to Ask Yourself to Find Out! When companies don’t have the right technology strategy in place to achieve the best possible business outcomes, they fall behind their competitors and get left behind. It’s that simple. Technology is ever evolving – when was the last time you reviewed your technology […]
  • 5 Tips to Prevent Social Engineering Attacks

    5 Tips to Prevent Social Engineering Attacks

    Do you know what an online security breach will actually cost you? Know this: it isn’t cheap. It’ll cost you an average of $150 per compromised file to recover from data loss, and thousands of files are compromised in the average attack, so you’re looking at a six or seven-figure hit from just a single […]
  • Microsoft Building Two Data Centers in Canada – Helping Canadian Companies Leverage the Cloud!

    Microsoft Building Two Data Centers in Canada – Helping Canadian Companies Leverage the Cloud!

    Do You Have Concerns About Data Residency? Microsoft Puts Those Concerns to Rest! On June 2nd, 2015, Microsoft Canada hosted a press conference in Toronto, ON. During the conference, Kevin Turner, Microsoft’s Chief Operating Officer, announced plans to deliver locally hosted Microsoft Cloud Services from Canada. This includes the following: Office 365 Microsoft Azure Dynamics […]
  • 90% of Companies That Experience Data Loss Go Bankrupt within 3 Months!

    90% of Companies That Experience Data Loss Go Bankrupt within 3 Months!

    5 Steps to Safeguarding Your Data Against Hackers. You have your IT security protocols in place, so you might believe you’re safe. Well, it’s time for a wake up call because the data breach Levels for 2014 paint a dim picture, and it’s time to re-evaluate your security now! In 2014, data breach occurrences increased […]