• Is Your Email Protected?

    Is Your Email Protected?

    Email has become the most effective way for your employees to communicate with clients and one another; however, it’s also become the number one way for your security to be compromised. Did you know 88% of emails sent are spam – and 44% of malware infections occur due to malicious email attachments? You must prepare […]
  • 5 Signs It’s Time To Change IT Providers

    5 Signs It’s Time To Change IT Providers

    By the nature of their work, IT service providers are naturals at hiding behind their curtain of wires and technical jargon. However, there are some IT providers that will charge you for services you’ve never heard of before, and barely meet your demands for basic amenities. We’ve compiled a list of five indicators that your […]
  • The Top 5 Innovative, Emerging Tech Trends Guaranteed to Change the Future of Life & Business!

    The Top 5 Innovative, Emerging Tech Trends Guaranteed to Change the Future of Life & Business!

    Modern technologies have become an integral part of our lives – helping us communicate, learn, and do business. As you’ve likely noticed, technology advances fast – from self-driving vehicles to wearable technology, here are the top 5 emerging tech-trends in life and business: Wearable technology going above and beyond fitness trackers: Wearable technology started with […]
  • Backup Your Gmail Data Before It’s Too Late

    Backup Your Gmail Data Before It’s Too Late

    Google isn’t exactly a small business (understatement of the year, right?). That’s why so many people seem to have horror stories about being unjustly banned from Gmail. While the majority of the people who get barred from the service deserve it, there are also thousands of people that get locked out of their accounts for […]
  • The Game of 72: Facebook Inspires Teens to Terrify Parents by Intentionally Disappearing for 3 Days

    The Game of 72: Facebook Inspires Teens to Terrify Parents by Intentionally Disappearing for 3 Days

    Some Kids do stupid things. Sometimes! One example is the fainting game, which involves kids intentionally knocking themselves out by hyperventilating or having a friend choke them out because they mistakenly think it will get them high for a minute. The internet is especially troubling to parents… god forbid little Jimmy finds a .pdf of […]
  • Why Should You Hire a vCIO?

    Why Should You Hire a vCIO?

    For most businesses, information technology can be overwhelming – causing more problems than it’s worth because their systems aren’t properly monitored, maintained, and aligned with their goals and objectives. Why should you hire a vCIO (Virtual Chief Information Officer)? A vCIO gives you ongoing support and guidance – putting a strategic plan in place while […]
  • Does Your Accounting Firm Have a Business Continuity Plan in Place?

    Does Your Accounting Firm Have a Business Continuity Plan in Place?

     If Not, You’re Putting Your Clients at Risk! When you’re handling your clients’ finances, it’s your job to think of the future. Whether you’re helping clients invest wisely, ensuring they’re filing taxes on time, or simply keeping enough money in the bank for that inevitable rainy day, you’re responsible for a big part of their […]
  • 3 Things To Watch Out For When Hiring Your Brother-in-Law To Take Care Of Your Business Network

    3 Things To Watch Out For When Hiring Your Brother-in-Law To Take Care Of Your Business Network

    Doing a favor for your family is great – but at what cost to your business? Don’t burn yourself because you’re too willing to be kind. You may think you’re making a good decision hiring your brother-in-law to take care of your business network; he’s probably charging you below-average, and he could use the work. […]
  • 8 Tips to Selecting a New Vancouver IT Company

    8 Tips to Selecting a New Vancouver IT Company

    Do you have any problems with your current IT support services? Do they take too long to respond when you need support? Or maybe they manage to be appropriately responsive, but they’re just not skilled enough to keep your network reliable and secure (we’re looking at you, businesses who hire high school kids with a […]
  • 1 in 4 Organizations Have Malware Lurking on Their Network – Is Yours One of Them?

    1 in 4 Organizations Have Malware Lurking on Their Network – Is Yours One of Them?

    It’s Time to Spring Clean Your Technology – Schedule a Network Evaluation Before It’s Too Late! Whether you’re cleaning out the attic, getting rid of old furniture, or simply organizing your household, spring cleaning is a great feeling – it’s getting ready for a new start that leaves you feeling refreshed. Why stop there? Spring […]
  • Why You Should Reconsider Dropbox as Your Corporate File Sharing Solution

    Why You Should Reconsider Dropbox as Your Corporate File Sharing Solution

    As mobile devices continue to gain in acceptance for business use, and as more workplaces embrace the mobility of their workforce, the need for cloud-based file sharing will continue to grow. The main thing holding back an even greater acceptance by corporate users is concern over the safety of data housed within the cloud. They […]
  • Accounting Firms Can Benefit from Cloud Computing

    Accounting Firms Can Benefit from Cloud Computing

    To celebrate Accounting Day, here is a look at how moving to cloud-based computing could benefit your firm. May 18 Is Accounting Day.  Are Your IT Systems In Order? There is a good reason why cloud computing is on the rise. Firms moving to the cloud can realize significant savings on hardware acquisition and maintenance; […]