• 6 Tips Every Microsoft Excel User Must Know

    6 Tips Every Microsoft Excel User Must Know

    Technology is here to help improve the way we work – to streamline tasks, improve quality of work, and generally make things a little bit easier. Working with Microsoft Excel is a big part of business today, whether you’re crunching numbers, organizing tasks or simply storing information. What if you could make the experience even […]
  • BREACH ALERT: Law Enforcement Notifies POS Vendor NEXTEP of Potentially Compromised Point of Sale Systems!

    BREACH ALERT: Law Enforcement Notifies POS Vendor NEXTEP of Potentially Compromised Point of Sale Systems!

    NEXTEP Systems, based in Troy, Michigan, is a leading provider of point-of-sale solutions for restaurants, casinos, airports, and various other food service venues. According to Krebsonsecurity, Law enforcement recently notified the vendor of a potential breach wherein some of its customer locations have been compromised. Zoup, one of NEXTEP’s largest customers and a chain of […]
  • You NEED to Know About This Dangerous Virus Infecting Computers & Stealing Data!

    You NEED to Know About This Dangerous Virus Infecting Computers & Stealing Data!

    Crypto Virus 3.0 Continues to Infect Computers & Encrypt Files! Crypto Virus 3.0 is a dangerous, updated version of the ransomware virus that is infecting and damaging computers everywhere. Like Crypto 2.0, the bug encrypts your files and data and then demands a ransom of $500 in Bitcoins to get your information back. Unfortunately, those […]
  • Running Windows Small Business Server 2003? Beware the Potential Security Risks!

    Running Windows Small Business Server 2003? Beware the Potential Security Risks!

    IT Service Company Not Talking About the End of Support for Windows Server 2003? Has your IT service company been talking to you about the end of support for Windows Small Business Server 2003? They definitely should be, because running on that sever in just a few short months will lead to serious security risks. […]
  • The Top 5 Reasons Your Company Needs to Upgrade from Windows Server 2003 Today

    The Top 5 Reasons Your Company Needs to Upgrade from Windows Server 2003 Today

    Microsoft recently announced that they will be ending support of Windows Server 2003 on July 14, 2015. If your company is still using Windows Server 2003, here are five reasons why you need to upgrade today: No More Updates After July 14, Microsoft will no longer release updates for Windows Server 2003. This means that […]
  • Why is Microsoft Office 365 Is So Popular With Canadian Businesses?

    Why is Microsoft Office 365 Is So Popular With Canadian Businesses?

    With the popularity and flexibility of cloud computing, businesses, law firms, financial services and medical practices are rapidly converting to Microsoft Office 365. A subscription-based, online suite with features and software built around the Microsoft Office Platform. Microsoft Office 365 is so popular that it grew by 500% in 2013. It is the most complete […]
  • Sophisticated Cyber-Attack Group Creates Destructive Malware!

    Sophisticated Cyber-Attack Group Creates Destructive Malware!

    Does Your Business Stand a Chance? Equation Group was recently exposed for developing malware and spyware that is only detectable by the world’s leading computer security firms. Currently, only specific targets are being infected, such as government, military, nuclear firms, and energy companies. Even though we don’t have to be overly concerned yet, we should […]
  • Online Safety – Tips to Keep your Money, Reputation & Identity Protected!

    Online Safety – Tips to Keep your Money, Reputation & Identity Protected!

    Working online provides us countless benefits – from easy communications with family and friends and seamless collaboration between employees, speed, easy management of tasks… the list goes on and on. But with all of those benefits come risks, and not knowing how to manage your online presence can be incredibly dangerous. We type our information […]
  • Does Your IT Company Provide a Security Risk Report to You Each Month?

    Does Your IT Company Provide a Security Risk Report to You Each Month?

    Does it feel like you have an ideal relationship with your IT company? Do they keep you up to date on the risks facing your business or how they’re keeping you protected? If not, you might have a problem. One of the major benefits of outsourced IT is the partnership you get from working with […]
  • Is Your Lenovo Laptop A Ticking Time Bomb Waiting to Go Off?

    Is Your Lenovo Laptop A Ticking Time Bomb Waiting to Go Off?

    Make Sure Your Lenovo Laptop Isn’t at Risk From a Newly Discovered Cybercrime Security Threat! If you use a Lenovo laptop, you’re at great risk of being hacked right now. It was recently discovered that Lenovo had recently sold laptops packaged with Superfish adware automatically installed on them. What does that mean? Not only is […]
  • Cybercrime Predictions to Pay Attention to for 2015

    Cybercrime Predictions to Pay Attention to for 2015

    Experts Claim Cybercrime Will Increase In 2015 Watch a special report from WAFB in Baton Rouge. The constant threat of cyberattacks and major hacks means that your business needs to be more aware than ever of your security procedures. 2014 saw several highly publicized hacks, many of which did damage to major companies. So what’s […]
  • How to Trick Siri into Using Google Maps

    How to Trick Siri into Using Google Maps

    Stuck Using Apple Maps For Directions On Your iPhone?  Here’s How To Dump Apple Maps And Go With Google Maps. It’s relatively well-known that Apple Maps leaves quite a bit to be desired. And when you’re getting Siri to assist with directions, unfortunately, it’s her go-to app. Few people know, though, that it doesn’t have […]