Less Than 300 Days to Upgrade or Face Significant Security Threats & Noncompliance Fines! Windows Server 2003 is joining Windows XP in the operating system graveyard come July 15, 2015. As the server platform draws closer to its End of Life it is apparent that, like the EOL debacle surrounding Windows XP, many businesses will […]
We don’t bill you for work that is our responsibility. We offer plans for an hourly fee or managed IT services for a flat-rate fee, so you can choose what works best for you. Ready to stop paying by the hour? Give us a call at
(604) 986-8170 or send us an email at
info@compunet.ca to […]
Keep Track of Your Financial Statements If You’ve Shopped at Staples Lately! It seems like every time we read or watch the news, another major company is in the midst of a data breach – from Target to Michaels to Home Depot, and unfortunately, Staples can officially be added to the list! The popular retailer […]
Does YOUR Network Security Stand a Chance? CryptoWall, a form of ransomware similar to CryptoLocker, infects users’ computers and encrypts their data via spam emails with malicious links/attachments, drive-by-download attacks from infected websites, and other forms of malicious activity. In the past 6 months, more than 600,000 computer systems have been infected; resulting in 5 […]
Find Out What Significant Changes & Updates Will Drastically Alter the Way Your Business Operates! Compunet, a leading Vancouver IT support company in the Lower Mainland and across Vancouver, continuously aims to stay ahead of the latest and greatest IT innovations and advancements, in order to better serve our clients and keep them ahead of […]
What does innovation mean to you? For most, innovation is the combination of potential and creativity; it’s a method of solving problems, seizing new opportunities, and achieving higher standards of operating and living in today’s modern business marketplace. Ultimately, innovation is necessary for businesses looking to thrive and succeed. Would you consider your business to […]
Your Anti-Virus Software & Firewalls WON’T Protect Your Machines Against this Dangerous Type of Ransomware! Ransomware has quickly become a huge threat to businesses of all types and sizes. Not sure what ransomware is all about? Allow us to explain: ransomware is a form of malware that infects machines, then encrypts all of the files […]
STOP THROWING AWAY YOUR HARD EARNED REVENUES BECAUSE YOUR COMPUTER NETWORK WAS SETUP BY SOMEONE THAT DIDN’T KNOW WHAT THEY WERE DOING! Simple enough! Don’t Worry! Your IT experts are here. We will fix that horrible IT network you have and put everything right. You Can Maintain Your Good Reputation & High Profitability With Reliable […]
Don’t Fail to Prepare for Upcoming Cyber Security Threats That May Target YOUR Business! Do you stay up to date on the latest threats facing businesses like yours? If so, you’ve probably heard in the news or read articles about large companies suffering hefty fines and significant reputational damage in the wake of data breaches. […]
Microsoft’s Patch Tuesday updates have been released – a total of nine updates and three of them are rated critical to address various issues in IE and all versions (6 through 11) of Windows. If you haven’t updated your PCs and applied these patches, you’re at risk for becoming victim to serious vulnerabilities that allow […]
There is nothing more frustrating than being pressed for time and your printer jams. Of course, it always happens when you have a very important deadline looming. Murphy’s Law is cruel, after all. You run over to the printer, clear out the jammed paper, and think you are in the clear. Wait, nothing is coming […]
Did you say free? That’s always a word that’s worth looking into if it comes from someone you trust. Keeping up with the news or articles online can be pretty challenging these days, especially if you want a balanced approach by reading from multiple sources. Creating bookmarks or sending yourself an email with the subject […]