Protecting your network is becoming more important than ever. Despite, what the size of your network is, hackers want access to it. Now, with modern technologies like software-as-a-service, or security-as-a-service it’s easier than ever to implement security strategies for your company. These services are efficient and functional for any business because they don’t require any […]
In the growing age of social media use, more and more young professionals are looking to gain virtual popularity in order to share their ideas and become successful. Social media can deliver a free exchange of ideas and interesting opportunities for users. However, building a respectable network in an increasingly busy social media crowd can […]
Most companies and services are looking to technology to answer all their business needs. The hospitality industry is quickly catching on to this trend. Hotels across the world are looking to use technology to make their operations smooth and efficient. The desire for performance and efficiency within the hospitality industry has allowed a host of […]
Microsoft Drops Support for Older Systems Running Internet Explorer – Find out if Your Business is Affected! It’s time to get rid of your old Microsoft PC. If newer technology hasn’t convinced you yet, this might. Microsoft has announced that they will drop support for older versions of Internet Explorer. Starting January 12th, 2016, Microsoft […]
Are you guilty of forgetting your computer login password? Get back on your Windows 8 by resetting your password! And don’t worry; you don’t have to perform a factory restore either. There are several ways to remove or reset a password, but password methods differ between Microsoft and local Windows accounts. So first and foremost, […]
There is a current and on-going problem in the world of IT. Business functionality greatly depends upon the IT team working for your company, however, not all IT leaders are qualified for the needs in today’s society and economy. The assumption that your IT department is well-trained, knowledgeable, and involved in constant educational workshops, may […]
If you’re concerned with the privacy and safety of your sensitive data and information, you should step away from your iDevice for a moment to take note of the many security features that will ensure your privacy and safety. When a major update has been made to iOS, it’s important to maneuver your way around […]
This just in! WordPress 3.9.2 is now available as a security release for all previous versions. It is strongly advised that you update your sites immediately, as this release focuses strongly on safety and security features that may prevent potential threats. This release fixes a possible denial of service issue in the PHP’s XML processing. […]
In 2013 antivirus companies discovered a new ransomware known as Cryptolocker. Cryptolocker is a ransomware trojan that targets computers running Mirosoft Windows. Ransomware is the type of malware that restricts access to the computer system it infects, and demands a ransom paid to the creator to remove the restriction. Cryptolocker encrypted files on Windows computers, […]
Hold Security, a firm based in Milwaukee, has reported to the New York Times that they’ve discovered a massive theft of confidential data gathered from more than 420,000 websites, ranging from large household names to small business sites. Taking into account overlap from site to site, they’ve estimated that the Russian crime ring responsible has […]
OneNote, Microsoft’s note-taking software, has recently released an update for Apple-based products, which makes organizing easier than ever. All of Microsoft’s recent updates are based off of highly requested customer feedback. Several new features were added to the Mac and iOS release. With OneNote version 2.3 for iOS, and version 15.2 for Mac, organization, accessibility, […]
With the new iOS 8 update only weeks away from release, it’s a good idea to get started on the needed preparations your iDevice needs to undergo before installing the loaded update. New features in iOS 8 include an interactive notifications bar that allows users to respond to alerts while inside an open app, the […]