Since 1989, Compunet Infotech has been the leading IT services and support company for businesses throughout Greater Vancouver. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, Nick Nouri, founder and president, leads our team of IT professionals specialized in preventing and solving information technology challenges for our clients.
As you’re probably aware, sitting at home watching TV no longer means flopping on the sofa and watching whatever the big networks have scheduled for that night. In fact, movies, entire television seasons, music, and so much more are available on your computer, mobile device and even on your high definition TV! And as technology […]
In early 2010, many individuals fell victim to a common scam, wherein hackers disguised themselves as Microsoft support technicians to trick unsuspecting victims into paying a fee to remove malware from their computers. And in the past few weeks, this fake support scam has reappeared with a vengeance! According to Kristen Kliphouse, Microsoft’s Executive of […]
Here’s How to Combat Slow PC Startup Times for Windows 8.1 & 7! Poor PC startup times can result in many frustrations, and may be one of the reasons why so many people are looking to smartphones and tablets to replace their PCs. However, with a few tips on how to speed up your PC […]
When creating a slideshow in any program, whether it’s Picasa, PowerPoint, Keynote, or even the online presentation service known as Prezi, it’s crucial to consider the speed at which the photos are shown, especially when embedded in your website or other online service. These transition effects, and other settings that may help to achieve maximum […]
Your business depends on your IT systems and data to continue day-to-day operations without disruption or downtime. We understand the importance of proactively maintaining your technology to ensure maximum productivity and profitability. We offer a full-service managed IT services plan to keep your business operating at it’s fullest potential! To learn more, give us a call at […]
We as your IT experts understand the challenges that you probably will face when traveling either across the country or internationally. Do you know of some latest applications that will make your life easier while you are away? Here are some of the top applications for the road warrior. Triplt Of all the numerous travel-planning apps, […]
We consistently advise our clients to particularly treat time as a golden resource that they can control effectively to realize tremendous growth. Even better, technology is making things much easier and now thanks to the growth of the mobile space, devices such as the iPhone are full of exciting features that small business owners can […]
Your business exists to ensure that your clients receive the best services possible. You need to remain up-to-date on the latest changes in your business and the economy so you and your staff can set your clients’ minds at ease knowing they’re receiving the best care. Shouldn’t your technology do the same? Compunet InfoTech knows what a business like […]
Microsoft Excel has become one of the most popular pieces of software in the business world. And while Excel functions are meant to make inputting data simpler, some people are overwhelmed considering there are more than 400 functions! Fortunately, here are the top 6 advanced functions to help you shine in the workplace: IF(B3 > […]
Dianne Feinstein, committee chairwoman, author of the bill and a California Democrat, successfully lobbied a 12-3 vote despite some who have reservations about the offered privacy protection of the measure. Vice Chairman Saxby Chambliss, Georgia Republican, also supported the bill. “Cyber attacks present the greatest threat to our national and economic security today, and the […]
Internal I.T. or public cloud computing? These are schools of thought that do oppose each other. You have probably heard some people asking, “What is a Cloud?” and certainly some have asked, “What is Cloud computing?”. In layman’s term, the “cloud” is the internet while accumulating and accessing programs and data through the internet instead […]
Wireless networks have extended from desktop computers to all sorts of devices. Even productivity applications have become dependent on it that wireless networks have become a part of the usual household or office. But now that having Wi-Fi means convenient connectivity and motility, dead spots have become a pressing problem to everyone who connects not […]
Attention North Vancouver Businesses: Are You Worried About Your IT Services Provider?
Get A Free Second Opinion Today from Compunet.
Our comprehensive assessment includes:
A thorough analysis of your current IT company’s performance
A customized action plan to tackle all operational issues
A detailed budget and project plan for seamless execution
Don’t let IT issues hold back your business. Gain the clarity you need to get your IT on the right track. With our no-obligation, risk-free assessment, you have nothing to lose. Contact Compunet now.
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