• Microsoft Excel Tip: How To Copy Cells In Microsoft Excel

    Microsoft Excel Tip: How To Copy Cells In Microsoft Excel

    Microsoft Excel is a staple program in Microsoft’s Office suite. It’s a powerful spreadsheet program that allows users to organize data and calculate results using a wide range of formulas. Let’s look at one basic element to this program: how to copy cells in Microsoft Excel. Basic Cell Copying Technique Before we move on to […]
  • Password Management: What Lawyers Must Know

    Password Management: What Lawyers Must Know

    Passwords are a problem. In one sense they are exactly the opposite of what they should be. They’re hard for users to remember but easy for intruders to guess or steal. The user frustrations with the current system make it ripe for abuse, and that’s exactly what’s taking place every day. The best solution for […]
  • What Exactly Does A Managed IT Services Company Provide?

    What Exactly Does A Managed IT Services Company Provide?

    Running a business requires a great deal of focused attention. Unfortunately, when your technology team is spending a great deal of time dealing with login problems, software licensing, cybersecurity and more, it doesn’t leave a lot of time for growth activities and strategic thinking. As businesses grow, many organizations find that it makes sense to […]
  • Eliminate Distractions In Your Work Day

    Eliminate Distractions In Your Work Day

      Our days are full of distractions, from phones that don’t stop ringing to apps that don’t stop dinging. Each time we pause from one task, it takes us several seconds to a few minutes to get our minds back on track. This may not seem like much of an impact, but it can really […]
  • Are You Good at Saying No & Setting Priorities?

    Are You Good at Saying No & Setting Priorities?

    There are never enough hours in a day, but how you spend the hours that you do have can make all the difference in the world. Just think: business leaders such as Steve Jobs and Bill Gates have exactly the same 24 hours available to them as you do! All good business leaders have to […]
  • Security Update: What’s PhishPoint?

    Security Update: What’s PhishPoint?

    The attack dubbed “PhishPoint” is a recent cyber-attack scheme being used by foreign hackers. It demonstrates the craftiness and the extent that cybercriminals will go to in order to harvest your Microsoft Office 365 credentials. It uses several familiar aspects of Office 365 to lull potential victims into an assumption that everything is above board. […]
  • Why Reusing Passwords Is A Horrible Idea

    Why Reusing Passwords Is A Horrible Idea

    No matter your profession, reusing passwords is a horrible idea. It’s dangerous and insecure. Reusing passwords is especially problematic for those working in fields like law, ones that require confidentiality in one form or another. Many people already know that reusing passwords is unsafe, but they do it anyway. One recent survey conducted by Lastline revealed […]
  • What Makes An Awesome IT Services Provider?

    What Makes An Awesome IT Services Provider?

    Technology is continually changing, and keeping up with the updates to your crucial infrastructure and software can feel like an overwhelming task. Many organizations begin to look for an IT managed services provider as they start to scale, but how can you know who to trust? You’re placing your mission-critical systems and devices in the […]
  • What Is The Estimated Cost Of Your Next Ransomware Attack?

    What Is The Estimated Cost Of Your Next Ransomware Attack?

    Successful businesses require smart leadership. How does a company effectively protect its profits? Planning for profits should also include company-wide management of expenses and security planning is high on the list. If the average ransomware payment has reached close to $15,000, a company’s leaders would want to plan ahead and ensure all security best practices […]
  • Password Management For Law Firms (Questions/Answers)

    Password Management For Law Firms (Questions/Answers)

    We can’t function without passwords. So much of the internet is built on the concept of a username plus a password that the concept is core to users’ internet experience. It’s a clever but imperfect system that could certainly be improved upon, but until a game-changing replacement comes along, we have to play the game. […]
  • Celebrate World Backup Day on March 31st

    Celebrate World Backup Day on March 31st

    When Was Your Last Backup? Data backups are a critical part of protecting the information and files you cannot afford to lose. And yet, many people have bad backup habits – or no backup habits at all.     March 31st is World Backup Day – a perfect opportunity for you to update your existing […]
  • Set Reminders to Stay on Track with Important Tasks

    Set Reminders to Stay on Track with Important Tasks

      Raise your hand if you’re one of the millions of Americans who are overworked and don’t have enough hours in the day — isn’t that everyone? When you do manage to get into the groove of getting something done, it’s easy to forget everything else in the work or play. You may not even […]