• Wisdom Wednesday: How to Avoid Computer System Infection

    Wisdom Wednesday: How to Avoid Computer System Infection

    Criminals want your company’s financial data, customer lists including credit card information, intellectual property, and anything else they can sell. Cyber crime is a huge endeavor with severe consequences for organizations that are victimized. Criminals want your company’s financial data, customer lists including credit card information, intellectual property, and anything else they can sell. Besides […]
  • 3 Reasons to Use Outlook Quick Steps

    3 Reasons to Use Outlook Quick Steps

    Outlook Quick Steps are excellent for busy professionals who find themselves doing the same things day in and day out. See why you should use them, and how they’re built to integrate into your routine. Every office has its own routines, and some are more common than others. Quick Steps came out 7 years ago […]
  • The Worst Password Mistakes that Compromise Security

    The Worst Password Mistakes that Compromise Security

    Broadcasting your password on national television may be the easiest way to invite hackers, but common password mistakes make it almost as easy for your data security to be compromised. Password safety may not be one of the most interesting topics in the realm of cybersecurity, but having a strong password is one of the […]
  • How to Jump-Start Freelancers Joining Your Team

    How to Jump-Start Freelancers Joining Your Team

    To make the best use of contracted workers, communications have to be easy for all team members. Team members, both internal and external, need to have the tools needed to get the work done. The way America works is undergoing major changes. In 2015, there were about 3.2million people working as freelancers and that number […]
  • Wisdom Wednesday: The Importance of Training Your Employees to Spot Spoofed Emails

    Wisdom Wednesday: The Importance of Training Your Employees to Spot Spoofed Emails

    The number of security issues and malware risks that your company must contend with continues to grow every year, but one of the most potentially devastating threats that your business faces is surprisingly low-tech in nature. Spoofed emails don’t rely on complex ransomware or sophisticated keystroke loggers. Instead, your company’s bank account and sensitive information […]
  • Make Your Ideas Come to Life With MS Visio

    Make Your Ideas Come to Life With MS Visio

    Although some think of Visio as a mapping or topography tool but, it is much more versatile – it is a diagramming tool that helps businesses visualize their processes, visualize projects in progress, create organization charts, create flow charts and more.   For a decade, Microsoft’s Visio has been the go-to diagramming tool for those […]
  • Is The BlackBerry Back?

    Is The BlackBerry Back?

    Blackberry’s KEYone represents a bold move by the Canadian company to revamp its brand, but does the new $549 Android-based smartphone make sense for your small business? While BlackBerry used to be the gold standard for business phone solutions, the rise of Apple and Android’s smartphones placed a large dent in its market share. However, […]
  • Social Media Habits Revealed For Each Generation

    Social Media Habits Revealed For Each Generation

    The latest social media market research highlights the importance of understanding why each generation uses the various platforms. Once the first advertisement and business profile were allowed on social media sites, the various platforms became marketing playgrounds as marketers consistently tried to reach consumers on a daily basis. It is no secret that the Millennial […]
  • Picking and Choosing: How to Select an IT Service Provider

    Picking and Choosing: How to Select an IT Service Provider

    Leaving your security up to chance isn’t an option in today’s business world, but picking an IT service provider can be tricky. See why it matters and how you can find the right person to help. The level of security you use to protect your virtual data is one of the most important business decisions […]
  • Go to The Cloud For Better IT at Lower Cost

    Go to The Cloud For Better IT at Lower Cost

    Why are so many small and medium-sized business’ flocking to the cloud. Do you know why so many small and medium-sized business (SMBs) entities are flocking to the cloud? The impetus behind this move to the cloud is a simple one, relevant to all profit-making organizations – cost! Costs Are Lower in the Cloud Running […]
  • Battle of the Juggernauts

    Battle of the Juggernauts

    Google, Lyft and Uber All Compete for Ridesharing Services Uber, Google and Lyft may all soon be offering you ways to get around. Google’s new service will be cheaper and won’t take a cut from the driver, but see why it still might not be for you.   There’s been a lot of controversy over […]
  • Wisdom Wednesday: Sifting Through Spam: Understanding The Dangers Of Junk Mail

    Wisdom Wednesday: Sifting Through Spam: Understanding The Dangers Of Junk Mail

    Every day, businesses and individuals send over 205 billion emails all over the world. Though many of these messages contain valuable information, a significant portion of them are spam. Receiving or sending spam exposes your business to a variety of risks, including: Ruined Reputations Many firms are unaware that their email accounts have been compromised, […]